Monday, October 14, 2024

The Mischievous Dog (Anjing yang Nakal)


The Mischievous Dog

Anjing yang Nakal

There was once a Dog who was so ill-natured and mischievous that his Master had to fasten a heavy wooden clog about his neck to keep him from annoying visitors and neighbors.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Fox & The Goat (Sang Rubah dan Sang Kambing)


A Fox fell into a well, and though it was not very deep, he found that he could not get out again. After he had been in the well a long time, a thirsty Goat came by.

Seekor Rubah jatuh ke dalam sumur, dan meskipun sumur itu tidak terlalu dalam, ia menyadari bahwa ia tidak dapat keluar lagi. Setelah lama berada di dalam sumur, datanglah seekor Kambing yang kehausan.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Gnat and The Bull


The Gnat and The Bull

A Gnat flew over the meadow with much buzzing for a so small  creature and settled on the tip of one of the horns of a Bull.

Seekor Ngengat terbang di atas padang rumput dengan dengungan nyaring untuk makhluk sekecil itu dan hinggap di ujung salah satu tanduk Banteng.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Daily Vocabulary (Kosakata harian) Episode. 29 | Phrasal Verb Give Up



Pengertian Give Up

Give up merupakan phrasal verb atau kata kerja gabungan yang berasal dari give + up
Arti dalam bahasa indonesianya adalah menyerah / menyerahkan / berhenti.

Untuk bentuk kata kerja ke-2 yaitu gave up dan kata kerja ke-3 yaitu given up

Contoh kalimat :

Friday, December 30, 2022

Daily Vocabulary (Kosa kata Harian) Episode 27 Intermediate





Discourage (Regular Verb) :
Mengecilkan hati / mematahkan semangat

V2 & V3 : Discouraged 

For example :


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Under none of the accredited ghostly circumstances, and environed by none of the conventional ghostly surroundings, did I first make acquaintance with the house which is the subject of this Christmas piece.  I saw it in the daylight, with the sun upon it.  There was no wind, no rain, no lightning, no thunder, no awful or unwonted circumstance, of any kind, to heighten its effect.  More than that: I had come to it direct from a railway station: it was not more than a mile distant from the railway station; and, as I stood outside the house, looking back upon the way I had come, I could see the goods train running smoothly along the embankment in the valley.  I will not say that everything was utterly commonplace, because I doubt if anything can be that, except to utterly commonplace people—and there my vanity steps in; but, I will take it on myself to say that anybody might see the house as I saw it, any fine autumn morning.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022