Sunday, August 15, 2021

Dongeng Cinderella dan Sepatu Kaca Bahasa Inggris



ONCE UPON A TIME a girl named Cinderella lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters. Poor Cinderella had to work hard all day long so the others could rest.

DAHULU KALA seorang gadis bernama Cinderella tinggal bersama ibu tiri dan dua saudara tirinya. Cinderella yang malang harus bekerja keras sepanjang hari agar yang lain bisa istirahat.

It was she who had to wake up each morning when it was still dark and cold to start the fire. It was she who cooked the meals. It was she who kept the fire going. The poor girl could not stay clean, from all the ashes and cinders by the fire.

Dialah yang harus bangun setiap pagi ketika hari masih gelap dan dingin untuk menyalakan api. Dialah yang memasak makanan. Dialah yang membuat api terus menyala. Gadis malang itu tidak bisa tetap bersih, dari semua abu dan bara api.

“What a mess!” her two stepsisters laughed.  And that is why they called her “Cinderella.”

“Kotor sekali!” kedua saudara tirinya tertawa. Dan itulah mengapa mereka memanggilnya “Cinderella”.

One day, big news came to town.  The King and Queen were going to have a ball!  It was time for the Prince to find a bride. All of the young ladies in the land were invited to come.  They were wild with joy! They would wear their most beautiful gown and fix their hair extra nice. Maybe the prince would like them!

Suatu hari, berita besar datang ke kota. Raja dan Ratu akan mengadakan pesta dansa! Sudah waktunya bagi Pangeran untuk mencari pengantin wanita. Semua wanita muda di negeri itu diundang untuk datang. Mereka sangat gembira! Mereka akan mengenakan gaun terindah dan menata rambut mereka dengan sangat rapi. Mungkin pangeran akan menyukai mereka!

At Cinderella’s house, she now had extra work to do.  She had to make two brand-new gowns for her step-sisters.  

“Faster!” shouted one step-sister.

“You call that a dress?” screamed the other.  

Di rumah Cinderella, dia sekarang memiliki pekerjaan tambahan yang harus dilakukan. Dia harus membuat dua gaun baru untuk saudara perempuan tirinya.
“Lebih cepat!” teriak salah satu saudara tiri.

“Kamu sebut itu gaun?” teriak yang lain.

“Oh, dear!” said Cinderella.  “When can I–“

The stepmother marched into the room.  “When can you WHAT?”

“Well,” said the girl, “when will I have time to make my own dress for the ball?”

“Oh ya ampun!” kata Cinderella. “Kapan aku bisa–“ Ibu tiri berjalan ke kamar. “Kapan kamu bisa APA?” “yah,” kata gadis itu, “kapan aku punya waktu untuk membuat gaun sendiri untuk pesta itu?”

“You?” yelled the stepmother.  

“Who said YOU were going to the ball?”

“What a laugh!” said one step-sister.

“Such a mess!” They pointed at Cinderella.  All of them laughed.

“Kamu?” teriak ibu tiri.

“Siapa bilang KAMU akan pergi ke pesta?”

“Sungguh sebuah lelucon!” kata salah satu saudara tiri.

“Kotor begitu!” Mereka menunjuk ke Cinderella. Semuanya tertawa.

Cinderella said to herself, “When they look at me, maybe they see a mess.  But I am not that way.  And if I could, I WOULD go to the ball.”

Cinderella berkata pada dirinya sendiri, “Saat mereka melihatku, mungkin mereka melihat kotor. Tapi aku tidak seperti itu. Dan jika aku bisa, aku  AKAN pergi ke pesta. “

Soon the time came for the stepmother and step-sisters to leave for the big party. Their fine carriage came to the door. The stepmother and step-sisters hopped inside.  And they were off.

Segera saatnya tiba bagi ibu tiri dan saudara perempuan tiri untuk pergi ke pesta besar. Kereta mereka yang bagus sampai di depan pintu. Ibu tiri dan saudara perempuan tiri melompat ke dalam. Dan mereka pun pergi.

“Good-bye!” called Cinderella.  

“Have a good time!” But her stepmother and step-sisters did not turn around to see her.

“Selamat tinggal!” teriak Cinderella.

“Selamat bersenang-senang!” Tetapi ibu tirinya dan saudara perempuan tirinya tidak berbalik untuk menengoknya.

“Ah, me!” said Cinderella sadly.  The carriage rode down the street.  She said aloud, “I wish I could go to the ball, too!”

“Ah diriku!” kata Cinderella dengan sedih. Kereta melaju di jalan. Dia berkata dengan keras, “aku berharap aku bisa pergi ke pesta dansa juga!”

Then – Poof! All of a sudden, in front of her was a fairy.

“You called?” said the fairy.

Kemudian – Poof! Tiba-tiba, di depannya ada seorang peri.

“Kau memanggil?” Kata sang peri.

“Did I?” said Cinderella.  “Who are you?”

“Why, your Fairy Godmother, of course!  I know your wish.  And I have come to grant it.”
“Aku?” kata Cinderella. “Siapa kamu?”

“Kenapa, ibu perimu, tentunya! Aku tahu keinginanmu. Dan aku datang untuk mengabulkannya. “

“But…” said Cinderella, “my wish is impossible.”

“Excuse me!” said the Fairy Godmother in a huff.  “Did I not just show up out of thin air?”

“Yes, you did,” said Cinderella.

“Tapi…” kata Cinderella, “harapanku tidak mungkin.”

“Maaf!” kata ibu peri dengan gusar. “Bukankah aku muncul begitu saja?” “Ya, benar,” kata Cinderella.

“Then let me be the one to say what is possible or not!”

“Well, I think you know I want to go to the ball, too.”

She looked down at her dirty clothes.  “But look at me.”

“Kalau begitu biarkan aku yang mengatakan apa yang mungkin atau tidak!”

“Yah, aku pikir kamu tahu aku ingin pergi ke pesta dansa juga.” Dia menatap pakaiannya yang kotor.  “Tapi lihat aku.”

“You do look a bit of a mess, child,” said the Fairy Godmother.

“Even if I had something nice to wear,” said the girl, “I would have no way to get there.”

“Dear me, all of that is possible,” said the Fairy. With that, she tapped her wand on Cinderella’s head.

“Kamu memang terlihat sedikit berantakan, Nak,” kata Ibu Peri. “Bahkan jika aku punya sesuatu yang bagus untuk dipakai,” kata gadis itu, “aku tidak akan bisa ke sana.” “Aduh, semua itu mungkin,” kata sang peri. Dengan itu, dia mengetukkan tongkatnya ke kepala Cinderella.

“Who said I was done?” said the Fairy Godmother.  She tapped her wand again. At once, a beautiful carriage came to be, with a driver and four white horses.

Siapa bilang aku sudah selesai? kata ibu peri. Dia mengetuk tongkatnya lagi. Seketika, sebuah kereta indah datang, dengan seorang supir dan empat ekor kuda putih.

“Am I dreaming?” said Cinderella, looking around her.

“It is as real as can be,” said the Fairy Godmother.  “But there is one thing you must know.”

“What is that?”

Apakah aku sedang bermimpi? kata Cinderella, melihat sekelilingnya. “Ini senyata mungkin,” kata Ibu Peri. “Tapi ada satu hal yang harus kamu ketahui.” “Apa itu?”

“All of this lasts only to midnight.  Tonight, at the stroke of midnight, it will all be over.  Everything will go back to how it was before.”

“Semua ini hanya berlangsung sampai tengah malam. Malam ini, di tengah malam, semuanya akan berakhir. Semuanya akan kembali seperti sebelumnya. ”

“Then I must be sure to leave the ball before midnight!” said Cinderella.

“Good idea,” said the Fairy Godmother.  She stepped back. “My work is done.” And with that, the Fairy Godmother was gone.

“Kalau begitu aku harus meninggalkan pesta itu sebelum tengah malam!” kata Cinderella. “Ide bagus,” kata ibu peri. Dia mundur. Pekerjaanku selesai. Dan dengan itu, Ibu Peri pun menghilang.

Cinderella looked around her.  “Did that even happen?”  But there she stood in a fine gown, and with a golden band in her hair.  And there were her driver and four horses before her, waiting.

Cinderella melihat sekelilingnya. “Apakah hal itu bahkan terjadi?” Tapi di sanalah dia berdiri dengan gaun yang bagus, dan dengan pita emas di rambutnya. Dan ada pengemudinya dan empat kuda di depannya, menunggu.

“Coming?” called the driver.

She stepped into the carriage.  And they were off.

“Berangkat?” panggil si pengemudi. Dia melangkah ke kereta itu. Dan mereka pun pergi.

Over at the ball, the Prince did not know what to think.  “Why do you have that sad look on your face?” the Queen said to her son.  “Look around you! You could not ask for finer maidens than these.”

Selama di pesta, Pangeran tidak tahu harus berpikir apa. “Mengapa kamu memiliki ekspresi sedih di wajahmu?” kata Ratu kepada putranya. “Lihatlah sekitarmu! Kamu tidak bisa meminta para gadis yang lebih baik dari ini. “

“I know, Mother,” said the Prince.  Yet he knew something was wrong. He had met many of the young women.  Yet after he said “hello,” one by one, he could find nothing more to say.

“Aku tahu, Ibu,” kata Pangeran. Namun dia tahu ada yang tidak beres. Dia telah bertemu banyak putri. Namun setelah dia berkata “halo,” satu per satu, dia tidak dapat menemukan apa-apa lagi untuk diucapkan.

“Look!”  Someone pointed to the front door.  “Who is that?”

All heads turned.  Who was that lovely maiden stepping down the stairs?  She held her head tall and looked as if she belonged. But no one knew her.

“Lihat!” Seseorang menunjuk ke pintu depan. “Siapa itu?” Semua kepala berbalik. Siapa gadis cantik yang turun dari tangga? Dia mengangkat kepalanya tinggi-tinggi dan tampak seperti dia bagian dari mereka. Tapi tidak ada yang mengenalnya.

“There is something about her,” said the Prince to himself.  “I will ask her to dance.” And he walked over to Cinderella.

“Have we met?” said the Prince.

“I am pleased to meet you now,” said Cinderella with a bow.

“Ada sesuatu tentang dia,” kata Pangeran pada dirinya sendiri. “Aku akan memintanya untuk berdansa.” Dan dia berjalan menuju Cinderella.

“Apakah kita pernah bertemu?” kata Pangeran.

“Saya senang bertemu dengan Anda sekarang,” kata Cinderella sambil membungkuk.

“I feel as if I know you,” said the Prince.  “But of course, that is impossible.”

“Many things are possible,” said Cinderella, “if you wish them to be true.”

“Aku merasa seolah-olah aku mengenalmu,” kata Pangeran. “Tapi tentu saja, itu tidak mungkin.” “Banyak hal yang mungkin,” kata Cinderella, “jika Anda ingin itu menjadi kenyataan.”

The Prince felt a leap in his heart.  He and Cinderella danced. When the song was over, they danced again, again, and yet again. Soon the other maidens at the ball grew jealous.  “Why is he dancing all the time with her?” they said. “How rude!”

Pangeran merasa hatinya bersorak. Dia dan Cinderella pun berdansa. Saat lagu selesai, mereka berdansa lagi, lagi, dan lagi. Kemudian gadis-gadis lain di pesta itu menjadi cemburu. “Mengapa dia berdansa sepanjang waktu dengannya?” mereka berkata. “Kasar sekali!”

But all the Prince could see was Cinderella.  They laughed and talked, and they danced some more.  In fact, they danced for so long that Cinderella did not see the clock.

“Dong!” said the clock.

Cinderella looked up.

Tapi yang bisa dilihat Pangeran hanyalah Cinderella. Mereka tertawa dan berbicara, dan mereka berdansa lagi. Nyatanya, mereka berdansa sangat lama sehingga Cinderella tidak melihat jam. “Dong!” kata jam. Cinderella mendongak.

“Oh, my!” she cried out.  “It is almost midnight!”

“Why does that matter?” said the Prince.

“I must go!” said Cinderella. 

“But we just met!” said the Prince.  “Why leave now?”

“I must GO!” said Cinderella.  She ran to the steps.

“Ya ampun!” dia berteriak. “Ini hampir tengah malam!”
“Mengapa itu masalah?” kata Pangeran.

“Saya harus pergi!” kata Cinderella. “Tapi kita baru saja bertemu!” kata Pangeran. “Mengapa pergi sekarang?”

“Saya harus pergi!” kata Cinderella. Dia berlari ke tangga.

“Please, stop for a moment!” said the Prince.

“Oh, dear!” she said as one glass slipper fell off her foot on the stair.  But Cinderella kept running up.

“Tolong, berhenti sebentar!” kata Pangeran.

“Oh ya ampun!” katanya ketika salah satu sepatu kaca jatuh dari kakinya di tangga. Tapi Cinderella terus berlari.

“Wait!” called the Prince.  He picked up her glass slipper and rushed out the door.  He looked around but could not see her anywhere.  “This is all I have left from her,” he said, looking down at the glass slipper.

“Tunggu!” panggil Pangeran. Dia mengambil sepatu kacanya dan bergegas keluar pintu. Dia melihat sekeliling tetapi tidak bisa melihatnya di mana pun. “Hanya ini yang tersisa darinya,” katanya sambil menatap sepatu kaca itu.

He saw that it was made in a special way, to fit a foot like none other. “Somewhere there is the other glass slipper,” he said.  “And when I find it, I will find her, too.  Then I will ask her to be my bride!”

Dia melihat bahwa itu dibuat dengan cara khusus, agar sesuai dengan kaki yang tiada duanya. “Di suatu tempat ada sepatu kaca lainnya,” katanya. “Dan ketika aku menemukannya, aku akan menemukan gadis itu juga. Lalu aku akan memintanya untuk menjadi pengantinku! “

From hut to hut, from house to house, went the Prince.  One young woman after another tried to fit her foot inside the glass slipper.  But none could fit. And so the Prince moved on.

At last the Prince came to Cinderella’s house.

Dari gubuk ke gubuk, dari rumah ke rumah, pergilah Pangeran. Satu demi satu para gadis mencoba memasukkan kakinya ke dalam sepatu kaca. Tapi tidak ada yang bisa muat. Dan Pangeran pun melanjutkan.

Akhirnya Pangeran datang ke rumah Cinderella.

The Prince knocked.  The stepmother flew open the door. 

“Come in!” she said. “I have two lovely daughters for you to see.”

The first step-sister tried to place her foot in the glass slipper.  She tried hard, but it just would not fit. Then the second step-sister tried to fit her foot inside.  She tried and tried with all her might, too. But couldn’t.

Pangeran mengetuk. Sang Ibu tiri membuka pintu.

“Silahkan masuk!” dia berkata. “Aku punya dua putri cantik untuk kamu lihat.”

Saudari tiri pertama mencoba memasukkan kakinya ke dalam sepatu kaca. Dia berusaha keras, tetapi itu tidak cocok. Kemudian saudari tiri kedua mencoba memasukkan kakinya ke dalam. Dia mencoba dan mencoba dengan sekuat tenaga juga. Tapi tidak bisa.

“Are there no other young women in the house?” said the Prince.

“None,” said the stepmother.

“Then I must go,” said the Prince.

“Maybe there is one more,” said Cinderella, stepping into the room.

“Apakah tidak ada gadis lain di rumah ini?” kata Pangeran.

“Tidak ada,” kata sang ibu tiri. “Kalau begitu aku harus pergi,” kata Pangeran.

“Mungkin masih ada satu lagi,” kata Cinderella, melangkah ke ruangan.

“I thought you said there were no other young women here,” said the Prince.

“None who matter!” said the stepmother in a hiss.

“Come here,” said the Prince.

“Saya pikir Anda mengatakan tidak ada gadis lain di sini,” kata Pangeran. Tidak ada yang penting! kata ibu tiri dengan mendesis.

“Kemarilah,” kata Pangeran.

Cinderella stepped up to him.  The Prince got down on one knee and tried the glass slipper on her foot.  It fit perfectly! Then, from her pocket Cinderella took out something. It was the other glass slipper!

Cinderella mendekatinya. Pangeran berlutut dan mencoba sepatu kaca di kakinya. Sepatu itu sangat pas! Kemudian, dari sakunya Cinderella mengeluarkan sesuatu. Itu adalah sepatu kaca lainnya!

“I knew it!” he cried.  “You are the one!”

“WHAT?” shouted a step-sister. 

“Not HER!” screamed the other step-sister.

“This cannot BE!” yelled the stepmother.

“Aku tahu itu!” dia berteriak. “Kamulah orangnya!”

“APA?” teriak saudara tiri.

“Bukan DIA!” teriak saudari tiri satunya.

“Ini tak mungkin!” teriak ibu tiri.

But it was too late.  The prince knew that Cinderella was the one.  He looked into her eyes. He did not see the cinders in her hair or the ashes on her face.

Tapi sudah terlambat. Pangeran tahu bahwa Cinderella adalah orangnya. Dia menatap matanya. Dia tidak melihat abu di rambutnya atau di wajahnya.

“I have found you!” he said.

“Aku telah menemukanmu,” Ucapnya.

“And I have found you,” said Cinderella.

“Dan aku telah menemukanmu,” ucap Cinderella.

And so Cinderella and the Prince were married, and they lived happily ever after.

Dan Cinderella dan Pangeran pun menikah, dan mereka hidup bahagia selamanya.

New Vocabulary & Phrases

  1. To work hard : Bekerja Keras
  2. All day long : Sepanjang hari
  3. Rest : Istirahat
  4. To wake up each morning : Bangun setiap pagi
  5. Big news : Berita besar
  6. Ball : Pesta dansa
  7. To find a bride : Menemukan pengantin wanita
  8. When will I have time? : Kapan aku punya waktu
  9. Turn around : Berbalik
  10.  Sadly : dengan sedih
  11.  All of a sudden : Tiba-tiba
  12. To grant it : Mengabulkannya
  13. Impossible : Tidak mungkin
  14. Possible : mungkin
  15. Midnight : Tengah malam
  16. One by one : satu per satu
  17. Stairs : tangga
  18. Glass slippers : Sepatu kaca
  19. Rushed out: Bergegas keluar
  20. Stop for a moment : Berhenti sebentar
  21. Hut : Gubuk
  22. Step-sister : Saudar tiri
  23. Stepmother : Ibu tiri
  24. None : Tidak satupun
  25. Happily ever after : Bahagia selamanya

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